What if your phone could help manage your diabetes?

Thanks to the most innovative apps around, it can. Healthcare is being revolutionized by mobile technologies that turn your everyday devices into doctors — or, at least, the friendly voice of your doctor, helping you get better care one decision at a time. The mobile health revolution is called mHealth, and it could change lives.

mHealth can help most when it comes to scheduling and remembering appointments. Hahnemann Hospital in Philadelphia, for instance, recently tested a patient reminder system — automated text messages that remind patients of appointments — that reduced heart patient readmissions by 16%. That's a significant improvement in readmissions for heart patients — no small thing! And all because of a patient reminder app.

Then there are medication alerts. Clinical trial outcomes have been statistically improved by preset med reminders that can help increase adherence — healthcare lingo for when people get their meds how and when they’re supposed to. Increased compliance often means fewer visits to the doctor and, most importantly, fewer visits to the ER. It makes for a healthier person and fewer healthcare costs.

It’s a new world out there, folks, one in which we need new, innovative ways to reduce our healthcare costs. Maybe it’s time to start asking your doctors whether they’re planning on taking advantage of these new technologies.

Read more about the magic of mHealth here.

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